Bokklubbspåsar på turné
Get familiar, once again, with the curriculum documents for your year level. Focus particularly on what the students must LEARN in order to master year level knowledge, skills, and dispositions. This will help you focus instruction and assessment on what matters most in order to ensure all students are successful.
Pre-planning a learning schedule for the year provides a guide to how long you actually have to support student learning. The learning schedule will keep you focused on essential learning and ensure you expose all students to the important year level knowledge and skills.
Start the year finding out about your students and keep adding to this knowledge throughout the year.
Questions such as:
are essential and important for the teacher to know.
Learning is something that happens WITH the students, not TO the students.
Take a stock-take of your repertoire of strategies and structures that you know work, or have worked in the past. Be deliberate and test them out on the new group of students early on in the year. Keep them, adapt them, or change them, based on how successful they are with the new group of students. Always be open to learning more, trialling more, and adding more to your repertoire.
Feel free to share your own tips here.