Nytt på Malmö delar
Pamela Buffington i Malmö
Den 23/3 har PI Malmö i samarbete med Apple och ATEA äran att bjuda in intresserade lärare till en föreläsning och workshop ledd av Pamela J. Buffington, i hur du kan kombinera IKT och matematik.
För er som inte kan komma, hoppas vi kunna skriva en sammanfattning här på bloggen nästa vecka! 🙂
Plats: Pedagogisk Inspiration Malmö, Rönnbladsgatan 1B, vån 4, Malmö
Tid: Välj 09.00-11.30 eller 13.00-15.30.
Anmälan: Anmäl deltagare från er skola till: daniel.brask@atea.se senast 18/3. Anmäl dig med namn.
Har du frågor: Skriv till annie.bergh@malmo.se
09.00 – 11.30 Årskurs 7 – 9, Gymnasiet
Enhancing the Middle and High School Mathematics Through the Use of Digital, Interactive Tools
This session is designed to introduce middle and high school level educators to a range of interactive applets, tools, and web-based resources to support mathematics learning and teaching. This is a hands-on, interactive session that models strategies to support teachers and students in meeting critical content and practice learning standards for school mathematics. It builds upon research that supports the use of visual and linked representations. Bring your devices to the session!
13.00 – 15.30 Årskurs 1 – 6
Enhancing Early Elementary Mathematics Learning Through the Use of Mobile Technologies
This session is designed to introduce elementary educators to a range of interactive applets and tools to support mathematics learning and teaching in the early grades. This is a hands-on, interactive session that models strategies to support educators in the use of mobile technologies that reflect what is known from research about how young learners develop mathematically and socially, and the role that technology can play in their learning. Bring your devices to the session!
Text: Matematikutvecklarna på PI Malmö
Bild: colourbox.com