Läsning i fokus på Malmö Delar!
London och Malmö möts på PML18 via Professor John Storan
John is Director of Continuum, the Centre for Widening Participation Policy Studies* at the University of East London and Visiting Professor at Malmo University in Sweden. His lecture at PML18 will be held in english.
This session at PML18 will explore the interface between Schools and Higher Education by drawing on the work of a number of action projects both in London and Malmo. Aspects to be addressed will include the role and value of research, understanding the higher education journey, examining the potential of data dashboards.
John Storan is also Director of Action on Access which is the national co-ordination team for widening participation originally funded by HEFCE. As founding and current Chair of the Forum for Access and Continuing Education (FACE) he represents communities of practitioners involved in HE Access and Lifelong Learning from across the UK and beyond.
John has been a highly influential regional, national and international figure on Lifelong Learning and Widening Participation in HE. Over recent years he has been advising and supporting funding agencies, government bodies and also stakeholder groups concerned with access and participation in HE both in the UK and internationally.
In addition to his extensive UK experience he also has enormous international experience as result of his keynotes and conference inputs and involvement in a large number of research and development projects. In 2014, John was appointed the UK representative on the Bologna working group for the Social Dimension and Lifelong Learning and in 2016 he was invited to become a member of the Social Mobility Advisory Group (SMAG) which reports directly to the Minister for Universities and Science.
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* Widening participation står för att få ett breddat deltagande – det vill säga att fler personer med utländsk eller icke-akademisk bakgrund att studera vidare på universitet eller högskola.